Diffuse, Specular, Normal Maps

Ribbon Particle Tool

Raising A Rukus

aging - metahuman performance capture

Homebrewed Vive / IOS mocap solution applied to Boffo early testing of both hair systems and mocap 

aging - material

fXTweaker - an outliner tool that shows only particle related nodes and information.  Used for node optimizations and quick selections in a scene that contains thousands of nodes.

Written for Mel / Pyside.

Homebrewed Vive / IOS mocap solution applied to MetaHuman 

UE5 Aging Tech (for personal animated short)

high poly

high poly

preliminary material iris control with random gaze

simple animation test


rigged and weighted

World Position Offset

WPO used here to sculpt the characters brow, nose and jaw.

metahuman performance: control rig, groom and material deformation, sequenced and rendered UE5.3

a more technical example


procedural vs none  preliminary test 

Using vive hmd, controllers, and pucks, as well as an Iphone I built a relatively inexpensive mocap rig to drive an animated character in realtime.   Initial testing was done using stock Unreal assets.  Kiteboy head and mannequin body were used for initial setup and a Metahuman followed shortly.

The final goal was to drive a furry host in realtime using easy to access mocap equipment.

Homebrewed Vive / IOS mocap solution applied to MetaHuman 

aging - animation BP

Unreal 4.22 in editor - realtime raytracing 

Homebrewed Vive / IOS mocap solution
Kiteboy head with xgen hair groom , attached to mannequin body


Technical  .  Artistic  .  AR  .  VR  .  Realtime

Copyright 2019. gary brunetti. All rights reserved.

I enjoy working with Maya for asset creation, but I also love making tools that streamline my [or the teams] processes.  Although I am not very fond of building tools in 3dsMax, I have had experience in doing so.  

Character Process  / non PBR material

AR Prototyping


I worked with a medium sized team to create The Virtual Reality's first VR project with virtual embodiment .  The Martian VR Experience received a Silver Digital Craft Lion at Cannes 2016.


-Blueprint Logic

-Level / Asset Optimizations

-Maya Tools  ( i.e. camera exporter)

-Post Process - Polygon Penetration Solutions

-Blutility scripting

-Additional Level Design ( Blast Off to Hermes )

-Interaction Design ( Blast Off to Hermes )

​-Physics Interaction

-Additional Lighting

-Materials/ Shaders


​-HISM (Hierarchical Instanced Static Mesh Component) Research and Setup

-Integrated 3rd Party Spatial Sound Solution

-Troubleshoot / Debug editor crashes

-Technical Documentation

Three facial blendshapes for  happy, sad, amazed, procedurally blended ontop of a body animation, to breathe life into the character

WPO used here for character 'mass' and is combined with normal map blending to fake muscle groups and veins

Art Tools

World Position Offset is a very powerful technique to manipulate vertex positions inside the material.  From a single base, unique versions can be generated

low poly

The Martian VR Experience

Follow Me Dragon AR

#Gary Brunetti 2018
#read facial data from a previously saved [mocap]text file back into maya,to drive blendshape animation
#TODO-the blendshape name is hardcoded currently 'blendShape1' add logic to find the blendshape in the current scene later<<<
import os
import sys
from maya import cmds
def ReadFacialCaptureData():
output_dir = "C:\\FacialCaptureTesting\\FacialCapDataHeavyFlow.txt"
out_file = os.path.join(output_dir)
blendShapeDict = {}
boneRotAmount = [0,0,0]
startKeyFrame = 1
startLine = ">>>start<<<"
endLine = ">>>end<<<"
rotationLine = "rotation"
rotX = 0
rotY = 0
rotZ = 0
bone_eyeLeft = "L_Eye"
bone_eyeRight = "R_Eye"
bone_head = "Head"
boneLeftEyeRot = [0,0,0]
boneRightEyeRot = [0,0,0]
boneHeadRot = [0,0,0]
foundDataBlockReadText = False
#>>>>>>>autokeybutton will jack this script and cause the current slider time to be keyed with the last BS value. I am disabling that button for now.
autoKeyFrameState = cmds.autoKeyframe( state=True )
if autoKeyFrameState == True:
cmds.autoKeyframe(state = False)
print "auto key is already turned off do nothing"
fopen = open(out_file, 'r')
print "Facial Mocap Data File Found, processeing now. Have a great day"
print " ! ! ! >>> failed to open Faical Mocap Data File <<< ! ! ! "
#fopen = open(out_file, 'r')
MocapData = fopen.read(0) #<-- '0' is starting character index value
for line in fopen:
if endLine in line:
print "found End location \n ---- set variables ----"
foundDataBlockReadText = False
setBlendShapeValues(blendShapeDict,startKeyFrame, boneLeftEyeRot, boneRightEyeRot, boneHeadRot)
blendShapeDict = {}
startKeyFrame = startKeyFrame + 1
#if you are inside a data block, you can read data..
if foundDataBlockReadText:
if "# frameCount:" in line:
tokenizedFrameCountLine = line.split("# frameCount: ")
frameCount = tokenizedFrameCountLine[1]
print ">>>>>>>>>>>>could not find the frame count line... did you export this data correctly???"
#set rotation first
if "rotation_" in line:
#print ">>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>" , line
#get and set rotations.. this can be moved to "setBlendShapeValues" when consolidating
#bones are hardcoded in IOS app.. they should be made dynamic in both places if this tech is pushed forward
#get rotation data and apply
tokenizedLine = line.split("rotation_")
boneRotData = tokenizedLine[1].split(" ")
#x y z
rotX = boneRotData[1]
rotY = boneRotData[2]
rotZ = boneRotData[3]
rotZ = rotZ.strip ("\r\n")
print "______________________________________"
#print bone_head , boneRotData[0]
if bone_head == boneRotData[0]:
boneHeadRot = [rotX, rotY, rotZ ]
#print "head: ",boneHeadRot
if bone_eyeLeft == boneRotData[0]:
boneLeftEyeRot = [rotX, rotY, rotZ ]
#print "left eye: ",boneLeftEyeRot
if bone_eyeRight == boneRotData[0]:
boneRightEyeRot = [rotX, rotY, rotZ]
#print "right eye: ", boneRightEyeRot
print "could not process the rotation line for some reason..."
#tokenize line and strip "\r\n" from entry
tokenBuffer = line.split(' ')
dictKey = tokenBuffer [0]
keyValue = tokenBuffer [1].strip ("\r\n")
keyValue = 1.0
blendShapeDict[dictKey] = keyValue
#print blendShapeDict
if startLine in line:
print "\n\n found Start location"
foundDataBlockReadText = True
print 'failed'
def setBlendShapeValues(blendShapeDictionary,timeKeyFrame,boneLeftEyeRot, boneRightEyeRot, boneHeadRot):
#make sure you rotate the head first, followed by the eyes
#print blendShapeDictionary, timeKeyFrame
BSpass = []
BSfail = []
currentIndex = 0
blendShapesAndIndexes = {}
#create a dictionary of the blendShape name and index.. since i cannot directly reference by name
loopAmount = cmds.blendShape ('blendShape1', q= True, weightCount = True)
for x in range(0, loopAmount):
#get names of each index and add to dict
BSindexShape = 'blendShape1.w[' + str(x) + ']'
BSname =cmds.listAttr (BSindexShape, m = True)
BSindexNum = x
blendShapesAndIndexes[str(BSname[0])] = BSindexNum
#wherever the animations slider is sitting that gets keyed to the last value
# get index and blendshape name
for key in blendShapeDictionary:
for BSkey in blendShapesAndIndexes:
removeMeshFromKey = key.split ("Mesh")
#key never match because of "Mesh" suffix in
if removeMeshFromKey[0] in BSkey:
#print key, BSkey
#set the new blendshape weight -taken from the facial mocap data
bsAttrs = "blendShape1." + str(removeMeshFromKey[0])
#print "cmds.setAttr (" , str(bsAttrs),"," , blendShapeDictionary[key] , ")"
cmds.setAttr (str(bsAttrs) , float(blendShapeDictionary[key]) )
#print blendShapeDictionary[key]
#print str(blendShapesAndIndexes[BSkey])
#keyframe the blend shape val
blendShapeAttrIndex = 'w[' + str(blendShapesAndIndexes[BSkey]) + ']'
cmds.setKeyframe( 'blendShape1', t=timeKeyFrame, at=blendShapeAttrIndex, v=float(blendShapeDictionary[key]) )
headRotX = float(boneHeadRot[0]) * 180 / 3.14
headRotY = float(boneHeadRot[1]) * 180 / 3.14
headRotZ = float(boneHeadRot[2]) * 180 / 3.14
lEyeRotX = float(boneLeftEyeRot[0]) * 180 / 3.14
lEyeRotY = float(boneLeftEyeRot[1]) * 180 / 3.14
lEyeRotZ = float(boneLeftEyeRot[2]) * 180 / 3.14
rEyeRotX = float(boneRightEyeRot[0]) * 180 / 3.14
rEyeRotY = float(boneRightEyeRot[1]) * 180 / 3.14
rEyeRotZ = float(boneRightEyeRot[2]) * 180 / 3.14
#keyframe the rotations for eyeL, eyeR, and head ------------->>>>>>>>>>>>>> SET HEAD ROT FIRST
#triples... boneLeftEyeRot, boneRightEyeRot, boneHeadRot [x,y,z]
cmds.setKeyframe( 'Head', t=timeKeyFrame, at='rotateX', v=float(headRotX) )
cmds.setKeyframe( 'Head', t=timeKeyFrame, at='rotateY', v=float(headRotY) )
cmds.setKeyframe( 'Head', t=timeKeyFrame, at='rotateZ', v=float(headRotZ) )
cmds.setKeyframe( 'L_Eye', t=timeKeyFrame, at='rotateX', v=float(lEyeRotX) )
cmds.setKeyframe( 'L_Eye', t=timeKeyFrame, at='rotateY', v=float(lEyeRotY) )
cmds.setKeyframe( 'L_Eye', t=timeKeyFrame, at='rotateZ', v=float(lEyeRotZ) )
cmds.setKeyframe( 'R_Eye', t=timeKeyFrame, at='rotateX', v=float(rEyeRotX) )
cmds.setKeyframe( 'R_Eye', t=timeKeyFrame, at='rotateY', v=float(rEyeRotY) )
cmds.setKeyframe( 'R_Eye', t=timeKeyFrame, at='rotateZ', v=float(rEyeRotZ) )
#print "time: ", timeKeyFrame, "value: ", blendShapeDictionary[key],"attr index",blendShapeAttrIndex
#print "leftEye rotation:", lEyeRotX, lEyeRotY, lEyeRotZ, "rightEye rotation:", rEyeRotX, rEyeRotY, rEyeRotZ, "headRotation: ", headRotX, headRotY, headRotZ
#add to pass array
#add to fail array
print " failed to set key for blendshapes"

Homebrewed Vive IOS mocap (Cheap) Solution for Realtime Broadcast

aging - control rig

aging - vFX

sfxToy -  a real-time fx tool to streamline the creation and manipulation of Maya generated particles inside of the existing Sony game art pipeline.  

Written for Mel / Pyside

I worked with a large team of mostly movie industry professionals and a small group from the previous Martian VR project.   Toward the end of the project I teamed up with an engineer to research and create a workable solution for 360 capture inside of UE4.  The engineer took care of the engine side, and I took care of the editor side.  Setup was also required on the particle side of things both in the engine and in materials and particle systems setup and logic to compensate for the the non real time capture.

The intent of this feature is to be able to capture a super high resolution 360 snapshot at the camera's location each frame.  This 360 snapshot is actually made of many individual screenshots that get stitched back together with lens correction into a 360 video format.  Additional functionality allowed for specific masking of non buffer visualization channels, like 'Emissive', to be re routed into a channel that could be visualized and captured, like 'Metal'. 


​-360 Capture Editor integration ( Blueprints, Materials )

-Anim Notify based Footprint FX System

-Blueprint Logic

-Fluid Systems R & D

-Materials/ Shaders

-Level / Asset Optimizations

-Maya Tools  ( i.e. level and prop exporters)

-Blutility scripting

-Level Debugging

-Troubleshoot / Debug editor crashes

​-Technical Documentation

diffuse, normal, metalness, roughness, emissive, ambient occlusion

I worked with a very small production team on Follow Me Dragon.  Most of the team had to wear multiple hats on this project.  I had my TAD tasks and was also responsible for the Technical Direction and managing the Engineering team, as they were fairly green to production.  My biggest contribution was conceiving and integrating the real-time Navmesh functionality.  This allows Drake to locate navigable areas in real-time and interact with them, dynamically.  This package of Art, Design, and boundary pushing Tech caught the eye of Apple.  Enough so, a special store demo version of Follow Me Dragon was playable at Apple stores worldwide.  It also led to an Apple Best of 2017 Award- - Tech and Innovation - AR.


-Realtime Navigation

-Blueprint Logic


-Material Creation

-Shadow Solution ( due to technical limitations the shadow is created in a non standard way )

-​Technical Direction

-Engineering Management

-Engineering Advisor

-Realtime reflection  Material / Shader ( Chrome )

- Materials Optimizations

-Character costume  creation ( 3d / 2d )

-UI ( Tech )

-Maya Tools  ( i.e. character exporter )

-Technical Documentation

PBR material in Substance

Homebrewed Vive / IOS mocap solution
Kiteboy head with xgen hair groom , attached to mannequin body

rigged and weighted

aging - sequencer

aging - blueprint

I built this particle based ribbon simulator for a graphics test.

Made in Xcode 2013

Procedural Emotion

Substance Painter's Physically Based Rendering is an amazing tool.   The more I use it, the more I love it.

Gary Brunetti

low poly

Diffuse, Specular, Normal Maps